ex-soccer star decides to come out

Friday, June 24, in a podcast published by Grupo Globo, “Os armarios dos vestiarios” (The locker rooms)Richarlyson Barbosa Felisbino, better known as Richarlyson declared to be bisexual.

“Today, I decided to express myself: I am bisexual”said the 39-year-old former left-back and midfielder. “Now I want to see if things will really improve, that’s my question”. If the former Brazilian international has decided to speak on this subject it is on the advice of his relatives. “All my life I’ve been asked if I’m gay. I’ve dated men and women too…I’m normal, I have feelings.” As a reminder, Richarlyson mainly played in Brazil, in big clubs such as São Paulo FC or Atletico Mineiro. He also played two friendly matches with the Seleção in 2008 (against Sweden and Ireland, editor’s note) Currently, he is a sports commentator for the channels Globe and Sport TV.

Last May, Jake Daniels, a 17-year-old midfielder playing for Blackpool FC in the English second division, announced on the television channel sky news that he was gay. In a press release published on his club’s website, the young player said: “This season has been fantastic for me on the pitch. I made my first pro game, scored 30 goals with the reserves, signed my first pro contract”. Then continue by saying: “But off the pitch, I hid who I really am. I’ve known my whole life that I was gay and I feel like I’m now ready to come out and be myself.”

A speech that made him the first active English professional player to publicly claim his homosexuality.

See also: A very famous French singer has just come out as bisexual!

Adam Javal-Fauconnier

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