European Union imposes sanctions on Iranian drone suppliers to Russia

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1:13 p.m. : The member states of the European Union have agreed on sanctions against three people and an entity supplying Russia with Iranian drones used in Ukraine. “After three days of talks, EU ambassadors have approved measures against entities supplying Iranian drones that strike Ukraine”said the Czech EU Presidency.

12:32 p.m. : “War will be won on the battlefield.”

Our journalist Fabien Magnenou spoke at length with the mayor of Zhytomyr. Russian strikes on the power grid “will never break the Ukrainians”assures Serhiy Soukhomlin.


12:29 : “The heating season is starting. But to launch the heat production plants, we need electricity. It’s a challenge for the whole city.”

In Zhytomyr, in the west of kyiv, the mayor was forced to suspend public electric transport in order to reduce the load on the network.

12:25 p.m. : They raise fears of a collapse of the energy network. Russian forces have been carrying out massive strikes against Ukrainian infrastructure for several days. Electricity restrictions are now being introduced across Ukraine. Our journalist Fabien Magnenou deciphers this strategy of “electric chaos” led by the Kremlin.

The streets of kyiv (Ukraine) plunged into darkness on October 15, 2022, after residents were asked to reduce their electricity consumption.  (METIN AKTAS / ANADOLU AGENCY / AFP)


11:57 : In parallel, the Russian Book Union asked Alexander Khinshtein to control the conformity of many works of classical literature. This letter refers in particular to the cases of The Iliad (Homer), of Romeo and Juliet (William Shakespeare), demons (Fyodor Dostoyevsky), from lolita (Vladimir Nabokov), from Notre Dame of Paris (Victor Hugo), or even Morphine (Mikhail Bulgakov).

11:59 : In Russia, the Duma will consider today several bills to strengthen the “fight against LGBT propaganda”, announces deputy Alexander Khinshtein, quoted by the Tass agency. These measures are aimed in particular at the media, literature and advertising. The chosen one had already attacked the cartoon Peppa Pig Where South Park, Monday, during committee hearings. Other speakers had compared homosexuality to “Satanism”.

10:40 a.m. : Russian strikes are all over the east of Ukraine, especially in the Karkiv region, and the capital of the same name. A resident testifies for franceinfo of the hell of the daily bombardments. “It feels like it’s not reality, it’s like a movie.”

10:43 am : The situation is “tense” according to the Russian army around Kherson, in southern Ukraine, the only regional capital conquered by the Russians.“We are advancing meter by meter”, testifies a Ukrainian soldier on the front. Ukrainians are gaining ground and the Kremlin has decided “evacuation” of the population of the region.


10:47 : “Everyone is saying that the Russian troops are suffering very heavy losses at the moment. Beyond the Wagner group, I have sources in the special forces and in the intelligence of the Urals military district who say that their regiment lost 80% of his men.”

09:55 : There’s no way to win this war”, says a former Russian mercenary from the Wagner group. The paramilitary group intervenes in Ukraine to fill the gaps in the Russian army, but the situation is increasingly complicated on the ground. Franceinfo collected the rare testimony of a former mercenary refugee in France.


09:43 : “The terror wielded by Russian bombs and missiles is an act of desperation.”

The “scorched earth tactic” led by Russia “only strengthens the determination and perseverance of Ukraine and its partners”, declares Olaf Scholz in front of the Bundestag. The Chancellor adds that the “financial needs” of Ukraine by the end of the year are “virtually covered”.

07:54 : The decision was awaited in Russia: Vladimir Putin established martial law in the four annexed regions of Ukraine. This will allow the Kremlin to regain control over these territories. We explain to you what the martial law decreed by Russia will change.


07:09 : Blocked in Russia, Moscow’s Echo radio has resumed broadcasting from Berlin to combat the “propaganda” of Vladimir Putin’s regime. The emblematic station had announced at the beginning of March, like other Russian independent media, its dissolution in the face of the internal turn of the screw that accompanied the Russian offensive in Ukraine.

06:49 : Ukraine is preparing to restrict its energy consumption to cope with the destruction of its infrastructure by the Russian army as winter approaches. President Volodymyr Zelensky called on the population to prepare for “all possible scenarios”. The shelling continued yesterday everywhere in Ukraine, including in the capital.

06:28 : Russia and Iran strongly denied yesterday at the UN any supply by Tehran of armed drones to Moscow in its war in Ukraine, in front of the press at the door of the Security Council after two hours of meeting behind closed doors. For its part, the European Union has promised future sanctions against the Islamic Republic.

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