Europe is “alongside” Taiwan, assures European Parliament delegation in Taipei

The visit of this delegation, led by MEP Raphaël Glucksmann, is presented as the first “official” representation of the European Parliament in Taiwan.

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A highly symbolic visit. Taiwanese democracy is “a treasure” to protect, said Thursday 4 November Raphaël Glucksmann (Public Square), who is leading a delegation from the European Parliament to Taipei, promising to continue supporting the island, at a time when his relations with China continue to grow strained.

The delegation led by the French MEP, contemptuous of China committed to the defense of Uyghurs and sanctioned by Beijing in March along with four other MEPs, is described as the first “official” representation of the European Parliament on the island. The elected officials were received by Tsai Ing-wen, the Taiwanese president. “I look forward to the constructive discussions we are going to have on disinformation and the defense of democracy with the European Parliament delegation”, she said.

Raphael Glucksmann called Taiwanese democracy a “treasure that all democrats in the world should cherish and protect (…) And we have come here with a very simple and very clear message: you are not alone”, he assured during this meeting with President Tsai Ing-wen.

“Europe is at your side, at your side to defend freedom, the rule of law and human dignity”, he continued, urging the European Union to strengthen cooperation with the island.

A Chinese mission in Brussels had warned a little earlier than a visit of MEPs to Taiwan “would undermine the fundamental interests of China and undermine the healthy development of China-EU relations”.

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