Estonia sets the tone | The duty

I liked the article sent to us from Estonia by the collaborator of Duty Patrice Senécal, more precisely from the town of Narva (where 95% of the inhabitants speak Russian), very close to the Russian border, and in particular this passage: “The Narva Gümnaasium, a brand new secondary school in the middle of dilapidated buildings, embodies the radical shift underway in Narva. Subjects are taught bilingually, 60% in Russian, 40% in Estonian. By 2030, everything must be in Estonian, including kindergarten classes. »

Estonians, 30% of whom have Russian as their mother tongue, were inspired by Quebec’s Law 101 to strengthen their legal arsenal. Shouldn’t we in turn take inspiration from Estonia? The French speaker who lives in English Canada knows English, but the English speaker who lives in Quebec does not always know French. It would seem normal to me that the more they progress in primary and secondary school, the more young English speakers in Quebec must take courses in French.

Are we not, in Quebec, like little Estonia, besieged by some 145 million Russians, besieged by some 350 million English speakers? With rampant immigration, if we want to preserve the French character of Quebec in the Canadian federation, we must do much more than what we are currently doing, and above all not wait for a solution from Ottawa.

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