Éric Caire can’t wash his hands

As soon as the SAAQ made the announcement that its registration service was to close for three weeks, anyone in information technology could guess that something was wrong. Mr. Caire or his close advisers could not ignore such a signal and had to intervene immediately with the SAAQ.

First, never does an everyday operational system shut down for three weeks. No company would allow such a blunder. As to who recommended such a bad strategy to the authorities of the SAAQ, we may never know.

Second, shutting down the original system before the new one is tested is nonsense. No way to back out, if necessary.

Finally, maturity in information technology allows easy transition between two operating systems, and this, transparently to users.

Ignoring such signals by a ministry that claims to be competent is unlikely, everything was written in black and white in the newspapers.

There, I’m scared. Mr. Cairo says he is not responsible for agencies and corporations in the province! So who is going to help them, when they are at the mercy of computer firms because of the bad system for awarding state contracts?

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