Environment: fireflies have settled in France


Article written by

Y.Relat, V.Vermot-Gaud, A.Lopez – France 2

France Televisions

Fireflies often provide a pretty light show at night. In the Pyrénées-Orientales, they are more and more numerous.

When night falls, they light up and dazzle the gardens. For the past three years, fireflies have appeared in certain places in the Pyrénées-Orientales. “In May 2020, I noticed that there were flashes, sparks on the lawn and it was renewed from evening to evening, I love it”describes Geneviève Laurent, retired before marveling. These beasts are very small and they emit lights that can be seen everywhere.”

This is not a usual sight in France since these insects actually come from South America and more particularly from Argentina and Uruguay. They would have transited by boat before arriving in Spain, in 2016, then they settled in the Pyrénées-Orientales. These fireflies, which live very long for insects of this species, are in truth a danger to the environment since they feed on earthworms which are already less numerous than before in France.

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