[Entrevue] The Quebec government wants to recruit educators abroad for daycare centers

Following the example of what has been done in Health, the Government of Quebec is planning missions abroad to recruit personnel for daycare services. This process is required to fill the 18,000 educator positions needed to complete the network.

“It is currently being put in place,” said the Minister of Families, Suzanne Roy, in an interview with the To have to, Thursday. The first missions abroad must be launched this year to “French-speaking countries” where there are diplomas “equivalent to those of Quebec”, she also mentioned.

The Legault government is committed to creating enough daycare spaces for all young Quebecers to have access to them by 2026, the equivalent of 37,000 new places.

In addition to recruitment abroad, the Ministère de la Famille has launched, since last year, a scholarship program, a work-study program in early childhood at college (AEC), a vast advertising campaign, in addition to create “Educators’ Week”. It will be necessary, says Suzanne Roy, to “promote” the profession. “We are not talking about babysitters. We are talking about educators, who understand and have studied child development at several levels. »

Places in the workplace

Between March 2018 and March 2022, the Quebec government notably created 12,000 places in early childhood centers (CPE), but, as revealed the duty Wednesday, these efforts are canceled by the disappearance of thousands of family daycare services (RSG).

Questioned on this subject, the Minister promises that the RSG model “is not going to disappear” and that it meets “different needs” from other types of establishments. Mme Roy further argues that the picture is less dramatic than that painted by The duty. She claims that not 24,000, but 12,000 places have been lost in four years, even though the data we published on Wednesday comes from her ministry.

However, even 12,000 is too many, according to the minister, who says she is convinced of being able to relaunch RSGs, in particular thanks to the model of “community” childcare services for 12 children, which has generated 600 more places. in less than a year, especially in rural areas.

We want it to be a real waiting list. That is, there is a rank. We know where we are. […] We don’t want women to register when they become pregnant. Pooh [ne] give nothing.

On the strength of this success, the Minister of Families now wishes to resume the formula in the workplace. It is also preparing to meet business circles to encourage them to submit projects. Business people are also experiencing a labor shortage. It’s a good way to retain labor to provide services such as daycare. »

The formula, she points out, is very simple. “One or two companies bind together. We find suitable premises,” all in partnership with a CPE coordinating office. “It can be pretty quick. »

New waiting list

During her mandate, the new minister will above all have to deliver what her predecessor Mathieu Lacombe had promised. She does not anticipate having to introduce a bill, since Bill 1 adopted by the latter has put in place all the changes she needs.

This includes the famous waiting list that will replace the Place O-5 counter, a source of so much irritant for parents in recent years. Repatriated to the Ministry of the Family, this access window must be completely redone. “We want it to be a real waiting list. That is, there is a rank. We know where we are. […] We don’t want women to register when they become pregnant. Pooh [ne] give nothing. »

In December, M.me Roy had told Radio-Canada that she was giving herself two years to launch it. However, it now says it is aiming for delivery within 12 to 18 months. The new list must work with a system of “weighting” in order to counter the under-representation, in CPE, of children from disadvantaged backgrounds. Same thing for children with special needs.

The announcement of this new system has recently raised concerns among some parents, who fear that other criteria may be now ruled out, such as the proximity between the place of custody and the residence. However, the minister ensures that the geographical factor will continue to be taken into account. “Parents will still be able to choose which childcare service they want to enroll in. They do not lose that right. »

No question, on the other hand, of offering compensation to parents who are currently suffering from the shortage of places, as requested by the organization Ma place au travail. The “establishment of 37,000 places” already requires “gigantic budgets”, she replies. “When you have too many priorities, you have none left. My priority is to make places. »

With Laurianne Croteau

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