Enrico Macias: His attractive grandson Symon, a “lover” who makes girls crack!

Symon, the grandson of Enrico Macias, released this year his first album entitled Like everyone. He made some confidences for the occasion to the magazine Gala. He talked about his desires for music and how his grandfather helped him but also his private life, turned upside down by the arrival of fans…

Passionate about the guitar in his teens, Symon played it mostly in his bedroom but with an idea in mind “impress homies and girls at school“. He never seriously considered making music his profession. Moreover, to reassure his mother, Jocya, the young man forced himself to pursue higher education despite the lack of passion, in law and history of art. “I stopped each time. I was depressed. I saw my friends starting to find their way, I didn’t know where I was going. Emotionally it was not going either“, he said to Gala. A personal and professional vagueness which, fortunately, will not last indefinitely…

From a professional point of view, Symon can then count on Enrico Macias. During a tour of the singer with legal concerns in Canada, the young man accompanies his illustrious grandfather and goes on stage at his invitation at his side for a duet. It’s the click: the music will finally be his beacon in the night. “I had tried to do something else, to take a different path, in vain, my place was there, I understood it immediately“, he assures with hindsight.

He writes songs, finds artistic collaborators and launches, first with an EP then, now, an album of 11 titles. “It’s time for the first autographs in the street. Girls get carried away. Want to console the one who sings so well of the rupture, the evil as the thirst for love. Watch out, lover! But beware, lover in the heart taken for a few months… So much for the girls!“, specify our colleagues. It is therefore fulfilled in his love life and in his career that Symon faces life today. Let’s wish him to be as successful as Enrico!

Galaon newsstands Thursday, June 23, 2022.

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