English people pay homage to their queen at the Couptrain pub, in North Mayenne

She ruled England for more than 70 years and in many countries, Queen Elizabeth II died this Thursday afternoon at the age of 96. The British community, very present in Mayenne, is in mourning. They were about fifteen gathered at the pub The Famous Knight in Couptrain, in the North-Mayenne, to mourn the one that many considered an icon.

“It’s the end of an era”

At the table with friends, who slips her a few words to support her, Miranda finds it hard to believe her queen is dead. “I spoke with my sister all day, I’m so sad, we cried all day, she was a fantastic woman, I’m devastated”she sighs, “she was really old but her mother had lived longer, I was hoping she would live 100, but she couldn’t”.

For Jane Skews, owner of The Famous Knight pub, “It was a shock, even though she had been sick for a long time and very old”she begins, “because all my life she was Queen Elizabeth, I’ve never known another king or queen, it’s weird, it’s the end of an era”.

“The motherland”

For Andréa, at the counter with friends, it’s a bit of a part of the family that she has lost. “I’m very sad, it’s a sad day for the UK but also for everyone all over the world, she was the motherland in a wayshe says. I would like to go to the funeral if I have the possibility but I don’t think it will be possible”.

Dorby, he believes that at 96, it was already a lot. He was prepared for the death of this queen who “did a good job”. “My first memory, as a child, was the Queen’s coronation, she was my queen so I’m very sad”reacts for his part Beverly, also marked by the disappearance of the queen. “She was the mother of the country, there were many good or less good prime ministers, but she was the only iconic figure for me and surely for many other people”.

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