English justice decides for a fishing accident



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After three weeks of hearings, the English justice decided that the sinking of the Bugaled Breizh was not due to contact with a British submarine. A news that surprises the relatives of the victims.

After years of waiting, the English justice has ruled on the sinking of the Bugaled Breizh, which sank on January 15, 2004. It would not be a British submarine which would be at the origin of the sinking. “According to the British judge, the submarines were too far from the Bugaled Breizh or docked on the day of the accident. They therefore cannot be blamed”, explains Mathieu Boisseau, journalist for France Télévisions live from London (United Kingdom).

After three weeks of hearings, the judge in charge of the case in England concluded that the Bugaled Breizh would have sunk on its own, “by hanging on the seabed”, as Matthieu Boisseau adds. According to Thierry Le Metayer, son of one of the victims, it is a submarine which would be at the origin of the sinking of the boat, by hanging up the fishing net. “The families hoped that new elements would make it possible to reopen the investigation in France, already concluded with a definitive dismissal in 2016”, specifies the journalist France Télévisions.


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