Energy consumption: alert for this winter


Article written by Florival, O.Martin, N.Bidard, B.Parayre P.Brame – France 2

France Televisions

Shortage and soaring prices threaten winter 2022. In a gallery, the three bosses of TotalEnergiesEDF and Engie call on the French to reduce their consumption of fuel, oil, electricity and gas. An alarm nuanced by the associative world.

They launch an unprecedented emergency appeal. In a column published on Sunday June 26, the bosses of Engie, EDF and TotalEnergies call on the French to immediately reduce their consumption of oil, gas and electricity. “The effort must be immediate, collective and massive. Every gesture counts”, estimate the petitioners. A necessity according to them in order to avoid a shortage of energy next winter. With the war in Ukraine, Russian gas is running out and imports from other countries do not fully compensate for this lack. Electricity generation is also under car voltage several nuclear reactors are currently under maintenance.

Very simple tricks exist. For example, you have to think about defrosting the freezer, covering the pans saves 25% of electricity and the program eco from dishwasher 45% savings. Reducing the heating by 1°C in the bedroom reduces energy consumption by 7%. For environmental associations, this effort must be share, these last believing that the State, local authorities and companies must implement the necessary actions.

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