end of the mask in England, the Paxlovid arrives in Spain, Neil Young leaves Spotify



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Like every evening, 11 p.m. takes a tour of the news broadcast by European television channels. It’s Eurozapping on Thursday 27 January.

England abandons the wearing of compulsory masks. With the end of the restrictions, you no longer need to wear it, except on London transport. For some, like this shopkeeper, it’s a release: “It’s nice to be able to put some lipstick back on”. Others have no intention of doing without it. Scientists fear that contamination could start to rise again.

Spanish television announces the arrival of the first cachet treatment against Covid-19. The European Medicines Agency has just authorized Paxlovid, a tablet to be taken at home for five days from the first symptoms. It prevents the virus from multiplying. “It is intended for immunocompromised patients”, explains the Spanish spokesperson for internal medicine. Spain has already ordered more than 300,000 boxes from Pfizer.

Neil Young leaves the Swedish platform Spotify with a bang. The artist got angry about a podcast. He wanted the show “The Joe Reagan Experience”, with 11 million subscribers, to be deleted, blaming him for his anti-vaccine stance. “Spotify spreads false information about vaccines and potentially causes deaths among those who believe it”he explained in an open letter.

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