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The citizens’ convention on the end of life delivered its conclusions on Sunday, April 2. After debating for four months, the members decided in favor of active assistance in dying. Journalist Caroline Motte takes stock.
The citizens’ convention on the end of life was pronounced on Sunday, April 2. “The 184 citizens voted largely in favor of active assistance in dying, which is not permitted today by the Claeys Leonetti law in force”reports journalist Caroline Motte, live from Place d’Iéna (Paris). “Legalization of euthanasia or legalization of assisted suicide, the modalities are still under debate and in the end, it is Emmanuel Macron who will have to decide“, even if he himself has no clear position on the subject, continues the journalist.
Members will be received at the Élysée
Thus, the president still wants to leave time for debate. “Tomorrow morning, he will receive at the Élysée the French who worked for three months on this question, and he will give a speech to discuss the follow-up to be given to this work”, says Caroline Motte. Citizens hope that their conclusions will be better taken into account than those of the climate convention.