[EN DIRECT] Day 3 of the war in Ukraine: here are all the developments

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The capital Kyiv is stormed by Russian forces as the Ukrainian president claims weapons from his Western partners are on the way, while calling on his people to defend Kyiv.

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7:29 | Kiev tightens curfew, anyone on the street after 5 p.m. treated as an enemy

The mayor of the Ukrainian capital announced on Saturday a toughening of the curfew in place due to the Russian invasion, warning that anyone in the street between 5 p.m. and 8 a.m. would be treated as an enemy.

6:09 | Prague to send more than 7 million euros in arms to Ukraine

The Czech Republic will donate machine guns, automatic and sniper rifles, pistols and ammunition worth 7.6 million euros to Ukraine, the Czech Defense Minister announced on Saturday.

5:54 | Nearly 200 civilians dead in the invasion of Ukraine, fighting in Kiev

Kiev is Saturday under missile fire from Moscow and fighting is taking place in the city, where the Ukrainian president calls on his people to take up arms against the Russian invasion which, according to Ukraine, has killed nearly 200 civilians.

5:49 | Ukraine: President Zelensky says he “broke the plan” of Russia

Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky assured Saturday that he had “broken the plan” of Russia on the third day of the invasion of his country, calling on the Russians to tell Vladimir Putin to stop the war.

5:36 | The Quebec economy capable of absorbing the shock

Photo archives, QMI Agency

Quebec is not a major economic partner of Vladimir Putin’s Russia and should therefore be able to absorb the impact of the conflict, despite certain short-term price fluctuations.

5:27 | Ukraine: Zelensky says his allies are sending “weapons” and calls for defending Kiev

The Ukrainian president said on Saturday that his Western partners would deliver new weapons to Ukraine, and called on the Ukrainians to defend Kiev, plagued by heavy fighting with Russian forces.

0h00 | The capital under attack

The bloody advance of the Russians continued late Friday evening in Ukraine, as Putin’s army prepared to bring down the capital Kiev, which has been living with the sounds of missile fire and anti-bombing sirens for three days.

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