[EN DIRECT] 88th day of war in Ukraine: here are all the latest developments

The war continues for an 88th day in Ukraine as the Russian army pounded the Donbass region.

Here are the latest developments, minute by minute

3h55 | India: bitter harvest for farmers banned from exporting their wheat

New Delhi’s decision to ban wheat exports amid soaring prices due to Russia’s invasion of Ukraine has caused consternation abroad and pushed prices of the grain even higher.

And in India, farmers and traders are now furious at having been deprived of a windfall, especially as prices in their home market have instead collapsed.

0h45 | In Mariupol, the life in ruins of the survivors

The carcasses of charred buildings stand against the low, rainy sky of the martyred city of Mariupol. As the last Ukrainian defenders surrender to the Russians, rare passers-by mourn their lost future.

Three months of fighting left an apocalyptic landscape in many neighborhoods, driving hundreds of thousands of people to flight and causing an unknown, but undoubtedly enormous, number of deaths.

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