[EN DIRECT] 53rd day of war in Ukraine: here are the latest developments

The days pass and the Russian army relentlessly continues its shelling of Urkaine.

Russia has also issued an ultimatum to the last Ukrainian defenders of Mariupol, asking them to lay down their arms and evacuate this strategic port in the south-east of the country, the capture of which would constitute an important victory for Moscow.

Here are the latest developments, minute by minute

5:56 | Russia issues ultimatum to Ukrainian defenders of Mariupol

Russia has issued an ultimatum to the last Ukrainian defenders of Mariupol, asking them to lay down their arms and evacuate this strategic port in southeastern Ukraine on Sunday, the capture of which would constitute an important victory for Moscow.

5:41 | In the absence of an agreement with the Russians, there is no humanitarian corridor today

Ukrainian authorities announced on Sunday the suspension of humanitarian corridors for the evacuation of civilians from eastern Ukraine, for lack of an agreement with the Russian army on a halt to firing.


OPINION | Human barbarism, from Sarajevo to Kyiv

“A genocide, this war that the Russians are waging against the Ukrainians? Joe Biden and Justin Trudeau say yes; Emmanuelle Macron and Olaf Scholz, no. Do we need more time, more patience, more evidence to draw such a conclusion? Let’s see!”

– Read Richard Latendresse’s column

WAR NOTEBOOK | Putin is afraid of losing

“For the first time since the start of the war in Ukraine, Vladimir Putin and his government are seriously considering the possibility of losing the war in Ukraine.”

– Read Loïc Tassé’s column


READ | Local firefighter feeds refugees in Poland

Outraged by Russia’s invasion of Ukraine and President Putin’s inhumane tactics, a Quebec firefighter wanted to help out and is now feeding refugees waiting to cross the Polish border.


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