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The war in Ukraine has caused tensions in the energy market. This should be one of the themes of Emmanuel Macron’s visit to Algeria, who is making an official visit to the country from Thursday August 25. The point with the journalist Guillaume Daret.
What are the challenges of Emmanuel Macron’s trip to Algeria on Thursday August 25? “Algerian gas arouses many desires. You should know that Algeria is one of the ten largest gas producers in the world. And indeed, in the current context, where Europe is seeking to reduce its dependence with regard to Russia, many eyes, including that of France, are turned towards this country”indicates the journalist Guillaume Daret, special correspondent in Algiers (Algeria).
Officially, the Élysée affirms however that “that’s not the main topic [du] shift” by Emmanuel Macron. However, Algerian gas cannot replace Russian gas. “Already, because Algeria cannot increase its production much, for a question of infrastructure, and then also because there is an increasingly important part which is now consumed here, in Algeria”, continues the journalist. Emmanuel Macron will also address the visa issue, and will try “to pacify [l]a relationship” between France and Algeria.