Around Jean-François Achilli and Bérengère Bonte, those informed debate the news of Thursday October 12.
Reading time :
115 mins

The themes :
Speech by Emmanuel Macron devoted to the war between Israel and Hamas: the head of state calls for unity in the face of the risk of importing the conflict into France.
The hot reactions ofAlexis Corbière, dLFI deputy of Seine-Saint-Denis and Geoffroy Didier, dMember of the European Parliament and Deputy Secretary General of the Republicans.
The informed:
Armelle Le Goff, dirassistant editor of the weekly Le Point
Bruno Cautres, CNRS researcher at CEVIPOF, the Political Life Research Center, teacher at Sciences PO
Nathalie Mauret, jpolitical journalist at the Paris office of the Ebra group
Julie Marie-Leconte, vshead of the franceinfo political department
Find all the information from Thursday October 12, 2023: