Emmanuel Macron wants to relaunch “the debate” on “school time” and plans to reduce the summer holidays


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The Head of State devotes part of his second day of travel to Marseille to education.

Should school holidays be shortened? “We must reopen a debate which is that of school time during the year”estimated Emmanuel Macron, Tuesday, June 27, the second day of his trip to Marseille. “We have children who sometimes have two and a half months of vacation, some almost three months”judged the President of the Republic visiting a school.

>> Emmanuel Macron’s visit to Marseille: follow the second day of the Head of State’s trip live

“What is the consequence of that? It’s that we stuff the weeks withand our children, who arrive exhausted every evening”, he continued. Asked by a journalist about the duration of the summer holidays, Emmanuel Macron replied: “We have to concert this, we have to work, not for next year it’s too fair, but we have to rethink this time in the year.”

“When you have a three-month vacation, inequality returns”

“Your children, you are going to make sure that they write holiday diaries. You are going to put them on learning holidays, language courses… The children of the neighborhood, they find themselves with little infrastructure, in families who are already in trouble”, he argued. And to insist: “When you have a three-month vacation, inequality comes back.”

The President also cited the example of our neighbors across the Rhine. How do Germans manage to have sport in the afternoon? Because they have school time which they distribute differently throughout the year”he advanced.

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