Emmanuel Macron validates the first LREM candidates, nearly 250 names unveiled Thursday

After sifting through the nominations in March for the legislative elections, Emmanuel Macron validated a first list of candidates. It must be made public on Thursday, learned franceinfo.

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The review of the troops is about to end. Emmanuel Macron has validated the first candidates of the majority invested for the legislative elections. A list of 200 to 250 names will be unveiled on Thursday May 5, according to information from franceinfo. A second salvo will arrive in the following days.

>> Legislative 2022: follow the news of the campaign in our direct

A total of 577 candidates will represent the majority in the elections on 12th and 19th June next. Before the start of the campaign, they will meet on Tuesday May 10 for a day of training, at the docks of Aubervilliers, near Paris.

On the other hand, behind the scenes, still according to information from franceinfo, the showdown continues around the latest investitures. Discussions especially with Horizons, the party of the former Prime Minister. Edouard Philippe’s party demands its share of the cake: a comfortable group in the National Assembly, ie 30 to 50 seats.

Between Emmanuel Macron and the mayor of Le Havre, relations have calmed down. “There is better”, confides to franceinfo a relative of Edouard Philippe. A leader of the Republic on the march confirms, even if he recognizes “a little ego problem”. “But it’s a rich man’s problem, we’ll come to an agreement”he hopes.

The President of the Republic therefore faces a double challenge: to build, with nine formations, the foundations of a new majority and not a house of cards ready to collapse at the slightest gust of wind.

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