Emmanuel Macron should “go to Moscow” to meet Vladimir Putin, says Guillaume Peltier



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For Guillaume Peltier, spokesperson for the far-right presidential candidate Éric Zemmour, it would be for the current President of the Republic a “show respect”.

“I think that Emmanuel Macron would have been well advised, beyond the various dispatches of diplomats or the phone call announced Friday between him and the Russian president, to go himself to Moscow”, estimated Guillaume Peltier, spokesperson for Éric Zemmour and far-right candidate for the Reconquête! in the presidential election, Thursday January 27 on franceinfo. For the deputy, a former member of the Les Républicains party, it would be a “show respect”.

>> Purchasing power, “excusable defense”, crisis in Ukraine … Guillaume Peltier’s 8:30 a.m. franceinfo

“Russia feels left out, humiliated by an alliance embodied in NATO between some European countries and the Americans,” he developed. According to him, “we have to get out of this logic of blocks” following the example of “General de Gaulle who had this marvelous idea of ​​restoring France to this power of balance and counterweight“. The candidate he supports, Éric Zemmour, wants him “to remake France an independent, sovereign power”.

We have no overlord, we are not vassals of anyone. The Americans are our allies, the Russians are our friends.

Guillaume Peltier

at franceinfo

“I deeply believe in the peaceful and diplomatic settlement of this type of conflict, it is the deep vocation of France and all diplomatic avenues must be explored”also declared Guillaume Peltier. “Everything must be done, of course, to avoid a conflict“, he insisted. To calm things down, “it should” so “May Emmanuel Macron have the courage, as President of the European Union, to lift the sanctions and the embargo” against Russia.

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