Emmanuel Macron salutes “those who risk their lives and sometimes lose them to save so many others”

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1:53 p.m. : The President of the National Assembly, Yaël Braun-Pivet, announced today that she wants to completely ban alcohol and drugs while driving, at the microphone of Sud Radio.

1:12 p.m. : The ceremony of tribute to the three police officers who died in Roubaix ends. You can rewatch Emmanuel Macron’s speech below.


1:06 p.m. : The Marseillaise sounds again outside the Roubaix police academy, as Emmanuel Macron stands solemnly in front of the coffins of the three deceased police officers.

1:02 p.m. : Emmanuel Macron lays the Legion of Honor on the coffins of Paul, Steven and Manon, the three police officers who died in a collision on Sunday.


12:58 : A new minute of silence is observed after Emmanuel Macron’s speech, in tribute to the three police officers killed in Roubaix.

12:58 : “In the name of the French Republic, I present to you the insignia of Knight of the Legion of Honor. Long live the national police, long live the Republic and long live France.”

12:55 p.m. : You have not only chosen a career but a commitment”declares Emmanuel Macron to all the police officers present.

12:56 : “Manon, Steven and Paul were three children of the Republic”declares Emmanuel Macron.

12:56 : “Manon dreamed of the equestrian police. She had a taste for hiking, the nature of animals. Her great adventure was the police. She had the esteem of the entire brigade in which she was going to be established.”

12:56 : The president now has a word for each of the victims. “We are thinking of you, of this child who will be born. His father gave his life exercising his function of service and protection. So we will watch over him”says the president for Paul and his 3-month pregnant companion.

1:43 p.m. : Emmanuel Macron pays tribute to Paul, Steven and Manon who have died “at the heart of the exercise of their profession, in its daily greatness, like all those who at their task, every day, tirelessly serve the French”.

12:58 : “Before the pain of their families, before the pain of their colleagues, before the mourning of the French, silence should suffice. Talking about them becomes necessary to pay homage to their destiny.”

12:48 : Emmanuel Macron begins his speech, denouncing “irresponsible behavior that kills”.


12:41 p.m. : The three coffins, carried by the colleagues of the dead police officers, are covered with a French flag.


12:39 : Before the entry of the coffins of the three policemen on the place of arms, a minute of silence is observed.

12:36 p.m. : After The Marseillaise sounded outside the national police school in Roubaix, Emmanuel Macron reviews the troops present.


12:36 p.m. : Emmanuel Macron has just arrived to launch the ceremony of tribute to the three police officers. Follow our live.


12:29 : Gérald Darmanin will also attend the ceremony. Yesterday, during questions to the government in the Senate, the Minister of the Interior qualified the driver of the vehicle in the wrong direction “murderer”.

12:25 p.m. : President Emmanuel Macron is expected any minute to launch the national tribute ceremony to the three police officers who died in Roubaix in a collision with a vehicle traveling in the wrong direction. Paul and Steven, 25, and Manon, 24, will receive the insignia of the Legion of Honor posthumously.


11:43 am : The ceremony of tribute to the three police officers killed in a road accident in Villeneuve-d’Ascq, in which the Minister of the Interior, Gérald Darmanin also participates, will be to follow on our TV and radio antennas, as well as in our live.

11:37 : Expected in Roubaix from 11 a.m. for an exchange with the families of the police, Emmanuel Macron is late, let us know a journalist from France 2 on the spot. The kickoff of the tribute ceremony, scheduled for noon, could be postponed.

11:32 am : Emmanuel Macron must preside, at midday, in Roubaix, a ceremony of tribute to the three police officers killed on Sunday. Here is the program transmitted by the Elysée:

• Honors to the flag, review of the troops and entry of the coffins on the place d’armes.

• Speech by the President of the Republic, presentation of the insignia of the Legion of Honor posthumously, bell ringing for the dead, minute of silence and Marseillaise.

11:28 : Who were the three police officers killed on Sunday? Manon, 24, was still a trainee. Steven, 25, was the father of a one-year-old child. Paul, 25, was to become a father, his wife being five months pregnant. “They weren’t complaining or complaining” to do their job, according to trade unionist Mickaël Debosschere.


11:24 : “The fact of coming like that, to school [nationale de police] from Roubaix, this is a strong sign for us, the police.”

This Unsa trade unionist welcomes the presence of Emmanuel Macron at the tribute ceremony organized this afternoon in Roubaix. He salutes the memory of his “dynamic colleagues”, “always willing and jovial”.

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