Emmanuel Macron promises “400,000 tickets” offered and “no Olympics tax”

A “popular box office” will be set up for the Paris 2024 Olympic and Paralympic Games, announces Emmanuel Macron in an interview granted this Tuesday to the daily l’Equipe [article payant]. The President of the Republic specifies that “the State will buy 400,000 tickets”.

They will be distributed “to young people and schoolchildren, especially those under 16, to volunteers who contribute to the Games and to sport in France, to people with disabilities, to their caregivers, and to State and community officials who help with these Games, especially categories B and C”, details the Head of State. Emmanuel Macron also underlines in this interview that the prices will be “reasonable”. One million tickets will be sold for 24 euros.

Recruitment in the private security sector

Emmanuel Macron speaks the day after a meeting organized at the Élysée, in the presence of the ten ministers concerned by the organization of these Games and representatives of the Olympic Council. Two sensitive topics were discussed: security and the budget.

In a pre-report unveiled on Wednesday July 20 by Le Canard Enchainé, the Court of Auditors judges “imperative“to step up the pace to meet the security challenge”considerable“what this event represents. She expresses in particular her concern about the opening ceremony and the torch relay in different departments. The Head of State explains that cultural or sporting events such as the Tour de France will be organized before or after the 2024 Paris Olympics, in order to ease the pressure on the police.He promises the creation of “eleven new mobile units that will last beyond the Games” and recruit more in the private security sector. The State will finance training. Emmanuel Macron appeals to “young and old interested in these professions”.

“There will be no OJ tax”

Regarding the budget, the President of the Republic considers that the questions “are legitimate”. Tony Estanguet, the president of the organizing committee of these Olympic and Paralympic Games (Cojo) confirms on franceinfo that “Paris 2024 will be affected by this inflation, like all companies in France”. An envelope of 315 million euros is planned for contingencies but “we must not consume this reserve in a single year, but it is intended to be spent and used for the success of the Games”, says Tony Estanguet. The aim of the Cojo is to “keep budget control”.

In the interview granted to the Team, Emmanuel Macron affirms that he “there will be no Olympics tax. The Games must finance the Games”. The Paris Olympics organizing committee started with a budget of 3.8 billion euros, it is currently at 4 billion euros. Solideo, responsible for building the works, has a budget of 4 billion euros, including 1.55 billion public euros.

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