Emmanuel Macron “must explain” his remarks concerning the “price” of war, claims Eric Ciotti

What there is to know

What are the consequences of the war in Ukraine for the French? LR deputy Eric Ciotti estimated on Monday August 22 that Emmanuel Macron should “to explain” after his Friday speech where he talked about “pay the price” facing the consequences of the war in Ukraine. “I don’t understand this formula”said on BFMTV and RMC Eric Ciotti, for whom “These remarks are extraordinarily disturbing, anxiety-provoking”.

Friday August 19 in Bormes-les-Mimosas (Var), the Head of State said: “I am thinking of our people, who will need the strength of soul to look the coming time in the face (…) and, united, accept to pay the price for our freedom and our values.” Follow our live.

Ukraine fears reprisals for its Independence Day. Russia could “do something particularly disgusting” and “cruel” when the country will celebrate its Independence Day on Wednesday August 24, Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky warned on Saturday: “One of the key objectives of the enemy is to humiliate us.”

kyiv denies any involvement in the murder of the daughter of a Russian ultra-nationalist ideologue. Daria Dougin, daughter of Russian ultra-nationalist intellectual Alexander Dougin, died in the explosion of her father’s car on Saturday near Moscow. According to Andrei Krasnov, a close friend of Daria Dougin quoted by the Russian state news agency TASS (in English), Alexander Dougin was the person targeted by the explosion.

A call for “restraint” around Zaporijjia. American, French, German and British leaders on Sunday called for the “detention” around the Ukrainian nuclear power plant of Zaporijjia, the largest in Europe, occupied by the Russian army and regularly bombarded.

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