Emmanuel Macron makes “unvaccinated scapegoats”, denounces Marine Le Pen

“The objective is to divide the French population, to pit people against each other and I regret that a certain number of French people fall into this trap by making the unvaccinated scapegoats”, said Wednesday January 5 on franceinfo Marine Le Pen, presidential candidate, member of the Pas-de-Calais, after Emmanuel Macron’s statement on the unvaccinated. “This is done with a strictly electoral goal, by doing this the President of the Republic is free of all convenience and if it is a strategic move it is counter-efficient”, she added.

While the Prime Minister accused the anti-vaccines of “fracturing the Nation” and of “overloading care services”, Wednesday in front of the deputies, Marine Le Pen wished to recall that “when you are vaccinated that does not prevent you from being contaminated, nor from infecting others”. “The argument that when we are not vaccinated we infect others with impunity is a fallacious argument, continued the deputy for Pas-de-Calais. If this were not fallacious, given the fact that 90% of the French population is vaccinated, there would not be 350,000 cases of contamination as today. “

>>> “Piss off” the antivax: behind the shocking sentence, Emmanuel Macron’s calculated strategy.

Wanting to transform the health pass into a vaccine pass, as the ambition of the government bill currently being debated in the National Assembly, “is not serious”, estimated Marine Le Pen. “An unvaccinated person who has a negative test is less of a danger to others than a triple vaccinated person who carries the Covid and transmits it, she asserted. It is a scientific reality. When we understand that we understand the decision of the President of the Republic. It’s not about making health decisions, it’s about making decisions to ‘piss off’, as the president says, part of the French. “

“Is wanting to persecute part of the French seriously worthy of the presidential office?”

Marine Le Pen

to franceinfo

The RN candidate believes that we should “exclude young people” vaccination because the under 20s have, she says, “almost zero chance of being hospitalized as a result of contamination.”

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