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To announce his candidacy for the presidential election, Emmanuel Macron chose to write a letter to the French, published on the morning of Friday March 4 in several regional press titles. An announcement that is not really surprising.
Friday, March 4, a letter published by all the regional daily press announces to the French that the outgoing president, Emmanuel Macron, is seeking a second consecutive term. In the first part of his missive, the President of the Republic praises his record, but also proceeds to a slight mea-culpa: “We haven’t succeeded in everything. There are choices that, with the experience acquired with you, I would no doubt make differently.”
This candidacy marks the end of a false suspense. It makes the French react differently. A resident of Nantes (Loire-Atlantique) talks about “non-event”, when another finds the process of the original letter. The Nantes activists of La République En Marche are delighted to be able to really start their campaign. A campaign which is nevertheless prevented by the war in Ukraine, as Emmanuel Macron recognizes in his letter to the French.