Emmanuel Macron “febrile” and “aggressive”, links with Russia, wearing the veil … Marine Le Pen’s “8:30 franceinfo” presidential special

Marine Le Pen, MP for Pas-de-Calais, candidate for the National Rally in the presidential election was the guest of “8:30 a.m. franceinfo”, Friday April 8, 2022. She answered questions from Marc Fauvelle and Salhia Brakhlia in duplex from Perpignan .

Emmanuel Macron “feverish” and “aggressive”

“Unquestionably”Marine Le Pen believes that she has never been so close to the Élysée, “perhaps that’s what makes the president so feverish and so aggressive”. She thus judges “the words of the President of the Republic” in a newspaper interview Le Parisien/Today in Francethis Friday, April 8, “extremely outrageous and aggressive”. “I find him aggressive since he entered the campaign, in his postures, in his words”she hammers.

“I was quite shocked to hear the President of the Republic, who is the guarantor of the constitution, accuse me of racism”, says Marine Le Pen indignantly. His program “is a racist program, which aims to divide society and of great brutality”indeed estimated Emmanuel Macron in this same interview. “I challenge him to find a single proposal in my program that discriminates against the French because of their origin, their religion or the color of their skin because that is racism”she says.

Russia: “yes” to sanctions, “no” to embargo

Marine Le Pen considers “to have a reasonable position” vis-à-vis Russia and Vladimir Putin. Criticized for her closeness to the Russian leader, the National Rally candidate wanted to clarify her position which “was to condemn Russia when it invaded Ukraine in the clearest possible way”. For her, what is happening in Ukraine “isn’t all black or all white” but she refrained from turning a blind eye to the Russian invasion. “This armed aggression was inadmissible under international law and we voted in the European Parliament for an extremely firm condemnation of this Russian aggression”she reaffirms, the same way she said “yes” to penalties.

However, Marine Le Pen reiterates her opposition to an embargo on Russian imports. “The only thing I do not want are sanctions on raw materials which will have serious consequences for the French and the rest of the world”she said, while the European Parliament adopted Thursday, April 7, by an overwhelming majority, a resolution calling for an embargo “total and immediate” on imports “oil, coal, nuclear fuel and gas” Russians. The candidate of the National Rally assured to be “against anything that can multiply the bill of the French by four five or six”reaffirming its objective “to primarily defend the French and their purchasing power”.

The veil “is an Islamist uniform”

The veil “is an Islamist uniform and it is under the Islamist uniform that I will ban it in public space”says Marine Le Pen. “This veil affair is included in a great law against Islamist fundamentalism, in which there is the expulsion of preachers of hatred, the closing of Salafist mosques“, she adds.

“Not all women who wear a veil are Islamists”, she says, however. According to Marine Le Pen, “many are victims, this is the reality”. “What nobody wants to say is that many live in an environment which is a cultural environment where they are under very significant pressure, precisely, from those who seek to impose Islamism in our country”.

Find the entire “8:30 am franceinfo” presidential special of Friday April 8, 2022:

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