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Saturday May 7, on the set of 20 Hours, journalist Nathalie Saint-Cricq analyzes why Emmanuel Macron is taking time to form a government.
Emmanuel Macron’s second term will officially begin on Saturday May 14 at midnight. During his investiture ceremony, the President of the Republic took the oath of “bequeath a more livable planet and a stronger France”. However, for 15 days, he has been struggling to build a team around him. “In general, it goes much faster”explains journalist Nathalie Saint-Cricq on the set of 20 Hours, Saturday May 7. “The profile he is looking for, or profiles, are not easy to find”she adds.
“The Prime Minister must be competent, a minimum, not too techno, ecologically compatible, social fiber and perhaps a woman. He must be ambitious, but in moderation”, details Nathalie Saint-Cricq. Faced with the popular union of the left for the legislative elections, Emmanuel Macron is thinking all the more about his future team. “It can give the French the impression that we are not in a hurry”warns the journalist.