Emmanuel Macron and Marine Le Pen, the story of an uncompromising debate


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Emmanuel Macron and Marine Le Pen spoke for almost three hours on Wednesday April 20. France Télévisions returns to the highlights of the confrontation.

More courteous and longer, the debate between Emmanuel Macron and Marine Le Pen, Wednesday April 20, was as decided as in 2017. The two candidates first of all opposed on purchasing power: the candidate wishes “decline permanently” VAT on energy and raise wages. “You’re trying to pretend that you’re going to raise salaries by 10%, and that it will be recurring. I’m just saying, no”replies the president-candidate.

The debate escalated over Russia and the war in Ukraine. “You talk to your banker, when you talk about Russia”said Emmanuel Macron. “We are a poor party, and that is not dishonorable”, replied Marine Le Pen. The two candidates also clashed on the question of ecology, qualifying themselves in turn as “climatosceptic” and “climato-hypocrite”. Last sticking points: security and secularism.

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