Emmanuel Macron and Marine Le Pen are the big winners of the first round

The first round of the presidential elections took place this Sunday, April 10, 2022. This year, 47.9 million French people were registered on the electoral lists and who were therefore expected in the polling stations. At 5 p.m., the participation rate in the first round was 65%, a figure down from 2017 and 2012 where the abstention rate was therefore higher.

Emmanuel Macron and Marine Le Pen big winners of the first round
As always, the results came in around 8 p.m. Unsurprisingly, Emmanuel and Marine Le Pen, who were already neck and neck in recent polls, were elected in the first round. Yes the current President of the Republic collected 28.6% votes, her rival and president of the National Rally, won 24.4% votes.
As in 2017, Emmanuel Macron and Marine Le Pen will face each other in the second round of the presidential elections to be held on Sunday April 24. If a two-week period is observed between the two rounds, it is because the government estimated in a decree of March 8, 2001, that this is the “time period necessary for the Constitutional Council to examine any complaints and announce the results, and possibly leave the possibility for a qualified candidate for the second round to withdraw”.

Jean-Luc Mélenchon comes third of this first round with 20.1% of the vote. Far behind, Eric Zemmour harvests 7.2% while Valérie Pécresse obtains 5%. Then come Yannick Jadot with 4.4%, Jean Lassalle with 3.3%, then Fabien Roussel (2.7%).

The outline of Emmanuel Macron’s program
Elected in 2017 at the age of 39, Emmanuel Macron could well be re-elected a second time for a new 5-year term. Highly criticized over the past two years, in particular because of his management of the pandemic, the head of state has led a rather discreet campaign. For him, the next few years should be marked by a postponement of the retirement age to 65, an exit from independence to gas and coal for the country, an increase in the number of hours of French and maths in primary and 6th grade, but also an increase in the time dedicated to sport as far as education is concerned.

If Emmanuel Macron wishes to subject the payment of the RSA against the obligation to pursue 15 to 20 hours of activity allowing professional integration in terms of work, he intends to create a Pass Culture of 500 € for all young people from 18 years old” and “to open the libraries in the evening and on Sundays” for the cultural aspect. Finally, he promises “massive reinforcement” in the medical deserts and a recruitment of 50,000 nursing assistants in nursing homes.

The outline of Marine Le Pen’s program
This is the third time that Marine Le Pen is a candidate in the presidential elections. Once again, she will be in the first round, but this year, the daughter of Jean-Marie Le Pen has visibly won the hearts of the French since many of them admitted that she was their favorite political figure. It promises an exemption from employer contributions, a 10% wage increase up to 3 SMICs, but also a retirement between 60 and 62 years old. The mother also wants an increase in the number of nursing homes, the creation of a tax on financial wealth and a reduction in VAT to 5.5%. Finally, she also wants the creation of 7,000 police and gendarme posts to strengthen the country’s security.


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