Emergency closure | The Town of Rivière-Rouge addresses the Superior Court

(Montreal) The City of Rivière-Rouge has expressed its disagreement with the evening closure of the city’s hospital emergency room. She announced Wednesday evening that she was turning to the Superior Court of Quebec in an effort to prevent the closure.

Due to staff shortages, the Integrated Health and Social Services Center (CISSS) of the Laurentides recently announced that emergency services at the Rivière-Rouge hospital will now be offered from 8 a.m. to 8 p.m. from 1er FEBRUARY.

One week before this decision is implemented, the City of Rivière-Rouge, accompanied by other parties, indicated in a press release that it was contacting the Superior Court of Quebec to prevent this.

Earlier this month, many Riverouge residents demonstrated in the streets against the closure of emergency rooms in the evening and at night, but the CISSS seems to be sticking to its decision.

Although residents will have to travel around sixty kilometers to get to neighboring hospitals, the Minister of Health, Christian Dubé, as well as the MP for Labelle, Chantale Jeannotte, affirmed in a press release sent on January 12 that “everything is deployed to to ensure that patients receive the care and services they need, in complete safety. »

They also added that “under no circumstances” was a complete closure of the emergency room planned.

Despite the reduced hours in the emergency room, a doctor will remain present at night to care for patients admitted during the day who need care during the night, maintained the office of the Ministry of Health. This doctor will be able to stabilize people in critical condition before they are transferred by ambulance to nearby hospitals.

Ambulance services have been improved to ensure rapid transfer to Mont-Laurier or Sainte-Agathe hospitals.

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