Elohim Prandi violently attacked: details of an assault that could have cost him his life …

The night of December 31st is supposed to be a festive time for everyone, but for Elohim Prandi, this evening of 2021 will remain etched in his memory for a long time for the wrong reasons. Star in the making of French handball, announced successor of Nikola Karabatic at the Blues, the young 23-year-old handball player was in a bar located in the 8th arrondissement of Paris when he was the target of a terrible attack. “Elohim Prandi was the victim of a violent assault last night in Paris and suffered several stab wounds. The player is currently under observation in hospital and his condition does not cause concern. Paris is seized of the investigation “, Paris Saint-Germain said in a statement.

Six stab wounds near vital organs

Several hours after the affair, the player got out of the situation, we now know a little more about the violent assault he suffered. According to information gathered by the newspaper L’Équipe, Elohim Prandi could have been in a much more serious condition since he was stabbed six times by a single individual who fled afterwards. If the circumstances of this surprising aggression still remain to be determined, the handball player came close to the tragedy since he was affected near the spleen and lungs. Fortunately for him, no vital organ was affected. Quickly after his assault, the athlete from Istres was transported to hospital and admitted to intensive care.

Also according to the sports daily, after a few hours of anguish for the relatives of the player, they received reassuring news on Saturday. Package for the Euro handball held in January, Elohim Prandi will now have to begin a healing process after this very violent aggression, which should leave psychological traces in addition to physical injuries …

Find the full article of L’Équipe on their website.

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