It must be said that with their size, they must not have had too much trouble: following the example of their mother, who is still 1.77m tall, the children are already huge! Her eldest son, Jules, is already overtaking her, as for her twin, Rose, she is not very far from her mother and should quickly catch up with her. The youngest of the family, who still seem shy, resemble him like two drops of water, with their blond hair and slender legs. Moreover, the photo is ideal to see that at 41 years old and after two multiple pregnancies, Elodie Gossuin still has a dream body.
If the whole family seems to have had a blast on this maxi-paddle, one of them is missing in the photos: Bertrand Lacherie, the head of the family! Married to Elodie Gossuin since 2006, the ex-model was perhaps the photographer of this whole series of family photos, which would explain why we do not see him with his wife and children. Perhaps he was also held back by work… In any case, we hope that he will take advantage of his family for these holidays which promise to be unforgettable.