Elliott Mondou | In the big league at 21

Few are those who, at the age of 21, work for an NHL team. This is the case of Quebecer Elliott Mondou, who will be video coordinator for the St. Louis Blues next season. “Maybe it came a little faster than I thought!” exclaims the young man on the line.

Posted at 8:00 a.m.

Katherine Harvey Pinard

Katherine Harvey Pinard
The Press

As recently as July 2021, Mondou landed his dream job as a video coach with Hockey Canada. A golden opportunity for the young man, who was at the same time recognized as one of the best video coaches in the country, after only six years in the industry.

Last winter, he was the point man on video for the Canadian team at the Beijing Olympics. Same thing for the Junior World Championship last week.

Mondou has always dreamed of one day working in the NHL. But given his young age and his recent employment within the federation, he was not putting “no pressure” on himself for the moment. “I said to myself: ‘It will come one day,'” he says.

A few weeks ago, he received an unexpected call from Blues general manager Doug Armstrong. The Shawinigan native knows Armstrong for having already worked with him as part of his duties at Hockey Canada.

The director general wanted to sound out his interest in the position of video coordinator within his formation. Naturally, Mondou was enthusiastic about the idea. But he also had in mind his “stable” job at Hockey Canada, which brings him “opportunities [qu’il] wouldn’t have anywhere else”.

Of course, I weighed my options. It’s important to have a good relationship with the coaches, so I went there [à St. Louis] and I met the coaches. It went really well. So I took the job.

Elliott Mondou

As simple as that. At 21, it should be remembered. His contract is for two years.

“It is sure that when I signed my contract, it made me what. I was excited. I think the real realization will come when we start playing matches, when I’m going to have a role in the organization and when I’m going to meet the players and create these relationships on a daily basis. »

Elliott Mondou’s career began in 2015-2016, when he took over from the video coach of the Shawinigan Cataractes in the Quebec Major Junior Hockey League (LHJMQ). He spent five years with the Cataractes, of which his father, Martin Mondou, is general manager, while continuing to go to school.

Over the years, the young man was hired by Hockey Canada for various international events, until the federation offered him a full-time position last year.

“It’s just getting the job done”

Mondou will therefore be one of the youngest, if not the youngest, staff member of an NHL team. “I am younger than the majority of players! “, he launches.

But he’s used to it. This was the case even when he worked for the Cataracts. “I think when you’re able to give them what they need and they see your value, those players are smart and will respect you. It’s just getting the job done. »


Elliott Mondou

The young man admits to being “a little nervous” in view of this new challenge, like every time he prepares for a new event. But “when these people give you a contract, it’s because they trust you. You have to do the work you know how to do and it will be fine”.

Mondou has already had some discussions with Blues head coach Craig Berube. “There are things he wanted me to watch and prepare for camp. I did it. But I’m a hockey fan, so the basics of the team, I already knew them. I was already watching the matches last year in my living room. »

Leaving Hockey Canada makes the Quebecer a bit emotional, but the experience that awaits him is extremely exciting. “I’m really grateful for all the opportunities Hockey Canada has given me over the past year. […] I created links. There are people who brought me where I am. They gave me opportunities, trusted me. »

Now it’s time to move. After Shawi and Calgary, direction St. Louis!

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