Elizabeth II reappears in Windsor: standing, unassisted, after back problem

Queen Elizabeth II of England is slowly resuming her activities. The monarch, who exceptionally missed the Remembrance Sunday ceremony in London due to back pain, was visited at Windsor Castle.

This November 17, 2021, the Queen therefore received in audience Sir Nick Carter, Chief of the Defense Staff. This was his first public appearance since his absence from the official ceremony last Sunday. “Her Majesty received General Sir Nicholas Carter at Windsor Castle today“, soberly indicated Buckingham Palace in a brief statement. On images of the meeting, we can see that Elizabeth II is standing, without any help, wearing a floral dress. What reassure the British , worried about the state of health of the queen, who canceled several commitments in recent weeks, such as her participation in COP26 (where she however sent a video message)?

With the soldier in uniform, who is about to leave his post, they notably spoke of the passing of time … While Nick Carter said himself surprised at his longevity in his post – eight years – the queen has answered tit for tat: “I guess when you’re in such a position it’s easier to keep going, isn’t it?“Words that make you smile since Elizabeth II, on the throne since 1952, has obviously never thought of abdicating for the benefit of her son Prince Charles even though his health is logically declining.

The day before this meeting, the Queen had given up participating in the General Synod, the national assembly of the Church of England. It was his son Prince Edward who had gone there in his stead. In a text written by the sovereign and read by her son, she then declared: “It is hard to believe that it has been over 50 years since Prince Philip and I attended the very first General Synod meeting (…) None of us can slow the passage of time.“Something to gently prepare the British for his departure …

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