Elizabeth II: Her state of health worries again because of a big appointment

Queen Elizabeth II will receive the new British Prime Minister on Tuesday (match between Liz Truss and Rishi Sunak) at her Scottish residence in Balmoral, where she is spending her summer. Traditionally, the monarch greets new heads of government at Buckingham Palace in London but due to her health issues the rules are changing this year.

It will therefore be the first time in Her Majesty’s reign that at the end of this ceremony, the outgoing Prime Minister (in this case Boris Johnson) as well as the newly elected will organize their transfer of power away from the capital, reports the DailyMail. This decision would have been taken in order to avoid the royal assistants “to have to make last minute alternative arrangements should the Queen suffer mobility issues on D-Day“, also specifies the British tabloid.

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Because as a reminder, the sovereign has been physically diminished for a few months. She has delegated an increasing part of his functions to his son Charles, who notably delivered in May in his place for the first time the speech from the throne in Parliament, one of his essential ceremonial functions. According to the latest revelations from the British daily MyLondonthe first successor to the throne would return visits “more and more frequent” to his mother. A behavior that would not be in his habit. “It is very unusual for Prince Charles to make these kinds of impromptu visits to see his mother”reported Ingrid Seward, author specializing in royalty.

Last May, she was spotted getting around in a golf cart to make it easier for her to travel to an event. In June, on the occasion of its platinum jubilee (which celebrates its 70 years of reign), it missed several great moments, in particular a legendary horse race. She didn’t go up only twice briefly on the balcony of the palace. The sovereign’s state of health obviously worries the British people, eager to learn reassuring news on this subject.

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