Elise Larnicol: Her attractive son Léo married a woman from the shadows of the cinema

Between Taxi 5 or Exes by Maurice Barthélémy – his former partner in the comedy troupe The Robin Hoods – without forgetting his appearances in the series Scenes of households on M6, Elise Larnicol is not idle. This Tuesday, July 26, she is once again on screen, this time on TFX in the film 15 years and a half with Daniel Auteuil.

On the other hand, the 54-year-old actress makes a point of preserving her privacy and protecting her from any media exposure. We do know, however, that she is the mother of a son, a certain Leo Moreno. Witness his Instagram post of June 7, 2020, on which we see him giving him a big hug. The actress’ mother, and therefore Leo’s grandmother, is also present in the photo.

A son in love!

Fuck social distancing! #son #mom #mothersday #hugs #mothersday” wrote Leo’s mom in the comments, while the whole world was overwhelmed by the Covid-19 pandemic. She had also taken care to share her son’s Instagram account, on which we learn that he has just married, according to her last publication, dated June 20, 2022. “No words needed…“, which means “No need for words“, he wrote in the caption of a series of photos of the ceremony.

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