Elisabeth Borne and Gérald Darmanin visiting the North to discuss with employees

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4:16 p.m. : Members of the National Rally denounce attempts at intimidation on the occasion of the start of the examination of the pension reform in the National Assembly. Three parliamentarians explain having received malicious calls intended, according to them, to prevent them from sitting when they were to be present in the hemicycle, under penalty of seeing a text from the far-right group canceled. We summarize what we know about these calls.


1:52 p.m. : Several dozen students took over the premises, near Place Sainte-Anne in Rennes. The rue Saint-Louis is cordoned off by the police, the time of the evacuation of the hall of the City. Residents are asked to stay at home during the operation. A dozen young people are on the roof of the room, specifies France Bleu Armorique.

A dozen young people are on the roof of the hall of the City, at the time of its evacuation.

(Radio France – Morgane Heuclin-Reffait)

1:51 p.m. : The Cité room, occupied in the city center of Rennes (Ille-et-Vilaine) by students protesting against the pension reform, is being evacuated by the police, notes on the spot a journalist from France Bleu Armorique.

1:28 p.m. : The battle plan of the inter-union will be clarified during a press conference on Saturday at 11:45 a.m. at the Labor Exchange in Paris, ahead of the Parisian demonstration planned for this 4th day of action.

1:33 p.m. : Yvan Ricordeau, CFDT national secretary, speaks to AFP on the new days of mobilization against the pension reform on March 7 and 8: “There will be a big day on the 7th, and a special initiative on the 8th, in connection with International Women’s Rights Day.”

11:58 : “I have no pact with the government”, assured this morning on franceinfo Aurélien Pradié. As it stands, number 2 of Les Républicains refuses to vote for pension reform, despite the concessions made to the right by the government on long careers.

11:49 : Élisabeth Borne, in a cosmetics factory in the North, in front of employees drawn by lot (in part) to discuss pension reform. https://t.co/Iysjfv40Pf

11:48 : Elisabeth Borne is visiting this morning with the Minister of the Interior Gérald Darmanin in Neuville-en-Ferrain, near Tourcoing, in the North. She is currently discussing her highly contested pension reform with employees of the Sarbec Cosmetics factory, which manufactures cosmetics and disinfection products. The employees were “partly” drawn, assures a journalist on the spot.

1:06 p.m. : Good morning @Jane de Saint-Gaultier. We don’t have the date yet, but I can give you some calendar details. Through an amending social security finance bill, the government reduced parliamentary time with the help of article 47-1. Concretely, the Parliament has a period of fifty days to decide, with twenty days reserved for the National Assembly. The text therefore risks going to the Senate without having had time to be voted on in the Assembly. It will then be studied in the Senate, before being the subject of a joint committee. If the latter agrees, there is a final vote in the Assembly. If there is no agreement before March 28 at midnight (end of the fifty-day period), the government can implement the text by ordinance. So, to sum up, we can count on a final vote by the deputies in the second half of March.

11:42 : Hello, when will the solemn vote take place on the entire pension bill in the National Assembly? THANKS.

11:29 : Good morning . The age of 67 corresponds to access to the full rate without a discount, but that does not mean much about the amount of your pension. If I believe the public service site, a single quarter contributed is enough to trigger rights. On the other hand, do not expect to roll on gold. “If you have less than 120 quarters contributed to the general scheme, the amount of the minimum contributory is set at 8,209.62 euros gross per year, or 684.14 euros gross per month”details a public service site.

11:13 a.m. : Hello, I did not understand a point on the subject of pensions. A person who has worked for two years in his life only has to wait until he is 67 to benefit from a full-time pension? Pseudo fifi

11:06 : “We must maintain the pressure. The fight is still long”, says on France Bleu Sud Lorraine Laurent Berger, secretary general of the CFDT, while a new day of mobilization against the pension reform is preparing. Another is scheduled for Thursday, February 16. “If I were a deputy, in their place, I would watch what is happening in my constituency so as not to alienate the world of work.”

09:12 : Are we heading towards renewable strikes in March? Even before the fourth day of mobilization against the pension reform on Saturday, the unions have already announced a new day of strike on February 16. Before a possible hardening on the return from school holidays.


08:42 : “Those who started working at 16, 17, 18, will still contribute 44 annuities. That’s my fight. (…) Someone who started working early should not have to contribute any longer . It is unfair !”

On franceinfo, the deputy LR Aurélien Pradié continues to set his conditions for being able to vote for the pension reform by demanding a measure to allow those who started early to contribute only 43 years. He estimates that such a device would cost “two billion” euros to the state.

08:24 : The unions have recorded an increase in membership since the mobilization against the pension reform. In January, memberships in the CFDT and the CGT, for example, experienced a 50% boom.

08:12 : The Intersyndicale has already announced a fifth day of mobilization on February 16 against the pension reform. The president of the CFTC also confirms on franceinfo that two new days of mobilization, March 7 and 8, are in “discussion”.

07:35 : “We bled ourselves for our retreats.” L’Humanité (subscribers link) is interested in the file of special regimes, which must be abolished for new entrants, on September 1, with the reform.

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