Electric cars | 215 charging stations will be built between Canada and the United States

(Washington) Canada and the United States are teaming up to build a corridor of charging stations between Quebec and Kalamazoo, Michigan, to encourage the purchase of electric vehicles.

Canadian Transport Minister Omar Alghabra and his American counterpart Pete Buttigieg unveiled their plan for an “alternative fuels supply corridor” on Tuesday at a press conference in Detroit.

Charging infrastructure will be installed every 80 kilometres. These will all feature at least one DC fast charging station with connectors for the combined charging system.

The route thus covered will be 1,400 kilometers long and will notably pass through Montreal, Toronto and Detroit. There will be a total of 215 charging stations.

A cross-border electric charging network was one of the goals Prime Minister Justin Trudeau and US President Joe Biden agreed to when they met in Ottawa in March.

“This first cross-border corridor for the supply of alternative fuels will help motorists cross the border and load their vehicle or refuel without worry,” said Minister Alghabra in a press release. “It helps bring us even closer to cleaner air while helping people save on traditional fuels. »

The federal government estimates that road transportation is responsible for 23% of Canada’s greenhouse gas emissions.

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