Edouard Philippe summoned at the end of October before the Court of Justice of the Republic

The CJR opened a judicial investigation in July 2020 after complaints from associations of victims of the pandemic. They believe that the government reacted too late to the spread of the virus during the first wave.

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The former Prime Minister, Edouard Philippe, is summoned on October 24 before the investigating committee of the Court of Justice of the Republic (CJR) for a possible indictment in the investigation into the management of Covid-19, a learned franceinfo from a source close to the file on Tuesday, October 11, confirming information from Le Monde. Contacted by franceinfo, Edouard Philippe’s lawyers declined to comment.

The CJR, the only one authorized to try ministers for acts committed in the exercise of their functions, opened a judicial investigation in July 2020, after complaints from associations of victims of Covid-19. They considered that the government had badly anticipated and then reacted too late to the spread of the virus during the first wave.

In this case, the former Minister of Health Agnès Buzyn was indicted on September 10, 2021 for “endangering the lives of others” by the three magistrates who make up the “commission d’instruction” of the Republican Court of Justice. The complaints also targeted Olivier Véran, the successor of Agnès Buzyn.

Reached by franceinfo, the lawyer for the association CoeurVide19, Me Yassine Bouzrou, considers that Edouard Philippe “has not asked his government to take the necessary measures to combat the epidemic and protect the population. He must therefore be indicted for endangering the lives of others and willfully refraining from fighting a disaster.”

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