Eco Project by Dominique Anglade | A “huge place” for wind power, still unanswered questions

(Montreal) Dominique Anglade affirms that wind energy will play an “enormous” role in the deployment of his famous Eco project, but remains unable to specify in what proportion. The Liberal flagship commitment provides for the production of the equivalent of 21 times the La Romaine complex in electricity.

Posted at 1:01 p.m.

Fanny Levesque

Fanny Levesque
The Press

Hounded by questions about the implementation of her Eco project, the chef Dominique Anglade affirmed that wind energy “will play a huge role” and “will be a fundamental element” of the implementation of the flagship commitment of her campaign. . The Eco project, which aims to nationalize green hydrogen, plans to add 170 terawatt hours (TWh) of electricity by 2050.

Where will this electricity come from? Mme Angalde evokes a bouquet of sectors, such as wind and solar, without being more precise, leaving it to the experts to establish the targets. She is already ruling out the development of a new hydroelectric dam, as proposed by her opponent François Legault, to achieve carbon neutrality by 2050.

It is possible, according to her, to recover 16 TWh in energy saving; twice as much as Hydro-Québec is aiming for by 2030. This leaves a production of 154 TWh of electricity to be identified. It’s gigantic. It also wants to focus on energy storage and optimize the production of current dams.

“We cannot tell you today and until 2050 precisely how we are going to get there. What we can tell you, however, is that we know that there is significant potential since we only use 1% [du gisement éolien au Québec]. It’s not true that we are not able to increase this potential, ”she explained on the sidelines of a Force jeunesse event where she once again praised her project.

According to the Quebec Association for the Production of Renewable Energy (AQPER), Quebec has a huge wind resource of which only 0.1% has been used. “What you see, minus 1%, that’s about 10 terawatt hours, for sure it’s going to take more,” she said. Mme Anglade does not specify what proportion of this deposit could be exploited for the Eco project.

“We will have to look for the best wind deposits, but that is what the experts will be able to tell us. But, can we at least have a vision? “, she defended on Saturday. His team later confirmed that the Eco project would result in the addition of thousands of wind turbines across the province. The exploitable potential of wind energy in Quebec is 12,000 TWh, according to an inventory of the ministry.

“It just means that we have extraordinary potential that we will have to study. I will not do this on the corner of the table, we will have to study in relation to wind power, the same thing for solar, the same thing in relation to energy saving, ”summarized Mme England.

The Liberal leader said at the start of the campaign that her Eco project would require 100 TWh of electricity before her team corrected the situation and specified that it would need 170 TWh instead.

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