Earthquake in Morocco: why is French aid not deployed in the country?


Video length: 1 min.


Article written by

franceinfo – A.Hébert, A.Vallée

France Televisions

After the earthquake in Morocco, official aid from France has not yet been accepted. Rabat has announced that it is accepting a sending team, particularly from Spain.

The plane has just landed in Marrakech, Monday September 11 in the morning. On board are 56 officers from the Spanish Civil Guard who came to help the Moroccan rescuers. “We hope to be able to help the victims very quickly”specifies the Major Enotrisk Bascuas. Spain is one of the four countries including Morocco accepted aid with that of the United Kingdom, Qatar and the United Arab Emirates.

Discord between the two countries

Despite a proposal for aid from Emmanuel Macron, aid from France has still not been accepted, because there have been significant areas of contention for several years between Paris and Rabat. “Personally, I think we have to start from this reality to overcome susceptibilities. It is important for France to put on its clothwater in his pocket”says Dominique de Villepin, former French Prime Minister.

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