Donald Trump will chain partisan rallies on the eve of the midterm elections

(Washington) Ohio, Iowa, Florida, Pennsylvania: Donald Trump on Wednesday announced no less than four rallies in support of Republican candidates in the US midterm elections in the final hours of the campaign.

Posted at 7:14 p.m.

The former president, surrounded by investigations, threw himself headlong into the campaign for this election during which the Americans renew all of the 435 seats in the American House of Representatives and a third of the Senate.

Organized two years after the next presidential election, these elections, scheduled for November 8, are de facto converted into a referendum on the occupant of the White House, Joe Biden.

But this election also acts as a life-size test for the political future of the Republican billionaire, who openly flirts with a candidacy in 2024.

Concretely, the battle for control of Congress is being played out in a handful of key states – the same ones that were already at stake in the 2020 presidential election, and which Donald Trump will visit in late October and early November.

Just hours before the opening of the polls, the ex-businessman will be in the hotly contested state of Ohio, where his foal JD Vance, is opposed to the elected Democrat Tim Ryan.

Democratic President Joe Biden alternates between partisan rallies with the working class and meetings with wealthy sympathizers to fill the coffers of his party, which hopes at least to maintain its control over the Senate.

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