“Donald Trump strengthened his grip on the Republican Party with his Stolen Victory Story”

Tuesday, November 8 in the United States, voters will choose the parliamentarians who will sit in the House of Representatives, the Senate or in the local assemblies as well as the governors of more than half of the States. According to the polls, the House of Representatives would be won by the Republicans, thus sanctioning the strongly criticized record of Democratic President Joe Biden, in particular on the economic level. Will Joe Biden manage to retain a majority in Congress or should we expect a “red wave”, led by Donald Trump?

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“Donald Trump not only didn’t step down, but he tightened his grip on the Republican Party with this tale of stolen victory” during the 2020 American presidential election, estimates Corentin Sellin, historian specializing in American politics, guest of Talk franceinfo on Twitch, Monday, November 7. “He said ‘I was robbed of the victory, and all the Republicans should get behind me to say the victory was stolen’he continues. At the beginning, we said no, the Republicans will say to themselves that it [Donald Trump] cost them the election in 2020 etc, nay!

This is the big question of the mid-term elections: how many ‘deniers’ (from English to deny, “deny”, “refuse”) will access key positions? Especially since the former American president, who was heavily involved in the midterms campaign, could declare his candidacy for the presidential election of 2024. “During the primaries, the internal elections, which have already taken place in each party in 2022, it is the Trumpists who have largely won”notes Corentin Sellin.

“Today, most of the candidates who are Republicans today and running, whether local or federal, are ‘big lie’ Trumpists, who are deniers of Joe Biden’s victory. “

Corentin Sellin, historian specializing in American politics

at franceinfo

“Today, no doubt there are in the House of Representatives, among the Republicans, perhaps twenty elected officials who are of this profile, who deny Biden’s victory and who are convinced that Trump won, and that at the time, we did not do what was necessary to recognize this victory”, believes for his part Frédéric Carbonne, journalist at franceinfo, former correspondent of Radio France in the United States. According to him, “Today, half of the Republican candidates for the House of Representatives are diehard ‘pence’, people for whom the bedrock is ‘he won’.” For Corentin Sellin, “The issue is how many of these Republicans will be elected both in Congress and at the local level.”

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