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Twenty Ukrainian towns have been reconquered by soldiers from kyiv as of Monday, September 12. The country claims to have recovered 3,000 square kilometers in less than a week of counter-offensive, on several fronts.
The counter-offensive continues at full speed in Ukraine. The kyiv soldiers say they are welcomed as liberators in more and more cities, Monday, September 12. “When you meet the inhabitants who are happy, who say: ‘Finally, you’re here’, it’s moving”, says one of them. Faced with the Ukrainian advance, everything points to a hasty retreat of the Russian forces. The Ukrainians recovered tanks stamped with the letter Z, communications equipment and large stocks of ammunition. In Izium (Ukraine), in the morning, buildings were still on fire, a sign of very violent fighting for several days.
The Russian army had made the city a strategic base for its supply. Amidst the ruins, the blue and yellow flag flies again. Moscow (Russia) has so far only spoken of a regrouping of its forces. The tone changed on Sunday September 11, on public television. “On the front of the special operation in Ukraine, the fierce fighting continues. The past week is probably the hardest since the beginning”, said the presenter. On the morning of Monday 12, Moscow claimed to have bombed areas reconquered by Ukraine.