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According to Valérie Pécresse, LR presidential candidate, most of the cost of the hospital would be linked to administration. The team of “true or fake?“answers this question for the JT de 23 Heures de France Info.
Bureaucratization, a word that is often used to describe administrative lengths in France. The candidate LR, Valerie Pécresse has made it one of the main challenges of his campaign. The latter recently stated that 33% of the cost of the hospital would be largely related to administration. The team of real or fake decipher this question.
This figure of 33% comes from an OECD report which states that 33% posts in the hospital would not be linked to medical matters. It therefore does not refer to cost. There are many other charges in a healthcare facility, such as equipment or even maintenance. In addition, the study shows that the figure of 33% indicated by the OECD does not refer to administrative positions, but to non-medical personnel. This can include administrative positions and also maintenance agents or the catering service.