does France have enough iodine tablets?


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Since the start of the conflict in Ukraine, more and more French people have gone to pharmacies for information on iodine tablets. A treatment to protect the thyroid in the event of a nuclear accident. “It’s just in case, with the war in Ukraine, prevention is better,” worries a resident of the Lille region. But does France have enough stocks of iodine tablets to deal with a major disaster?

Fighting near nuclear power plants in Ukraine, such as in Zaporijia, has some French people fearing a potential catastrophe. Especially since in France, the sale of iodine tablets is now reserved only for people living less than 20 km from nuclear power plants. It is the state that manages the distribution of these tablets supposed to protect the thyroid. Yesterday, during an interview, the Minister of Health was reassuring about the state of stocks in our country: “I can tell you eye to eye that we have enough iodine to cover the needs of the population. if it was necessary”, declared Olivier Véran to the Parisian, yesterday.

However, the Minister of Health was less affirmative, 4 months ago. Olivier Véran replied in writing to a deputy that out of the objective of 130 million iodine tablets, the country had 95.7 million as of June 29, 2020. That is more than 34 million fewer tablets. Asked about a potential shortage, the Ministry of Health told us this evening that it had since ordered additional doses: “We confirm that we can cover the entire population if necessary. On the other hand, we remain on our position not to communicate the state of stocks to date and a fortiori their geographical distribution”.

A lack of information and an answer that do not satisfy this deputy: “Rather than answering us that it is classified, I advocate transparency, even if there are gaps, because otherwise it is mistrust” .

Would France be ready in the event of a major nuclear accident? In addition to iodine stocks, the Ministry of Health tells us without detail that everything would be ready to evacuate or protect the French, in the event of a crisis situation.

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