Djokovic not vaccinated, expelled from the territory


France 2

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All of Novak Djokovic’s hopes of winning a record 21st Grand Slam title have just vanished, after 10 days of an incredible soap opera. The world number one has just left the territory, Sunday, January 16. The Federal Court has spoken he will not participate in the Australian Open.

Game, set and match. Defeated, Novak Djokovic takes the plane, after his duel lost against the Australian justice. After a highly publicized 10-day tie-break, the tennis player who had not been vaccinated against Covid-19 was expelled. “The Court is not in a position to give its reasons today. But we will do our best to explain our decision in writing as soon as possible, in the coming days”, said James Allsop, the president of the Federal Court.

In December, the world number one said he tested positive for Covid-19, so he intended to benefit from a medical exemption. But for the Australian government, Djokovic represents a health risk. Excluded from the Australian Open, he was replaced by the Italian Salvatore Caruso, nicknamed “lucky loser”, or “the lucky loser”. At the foot of the Australian Federal Court, Serbian nationals still supported the athlete. Up to the top of theEtat, in Belgrade, the president again defended his champion. Next step for the player: the American tournaments, where without a vaccine passport, he could suffer a new setback.


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