DJ Leslie Barbara Butch named 2021 Out d’Or Personality of the Year

Organized for the 4th year by the association of lesbian, gay, bi, trans and intersex journalists, the Out d’or celebrates LGBTI visibility through 7 categories.

DJ, plus size model, lesbian, LGBTI activist, activist against grossophobia, ambassador of a perfume signed by Jean-Paul Gaultier, Leslie Barbara Butch is everything at the same time. She is elected this evening, by the public, lesbian, gay, bi, trans and intersex personality of the year 2021 on the occasion of the 4th Out d’Or ceremony, organized by the association of lesbian, gay journalists, bi, trans and intersex (AJL). A ceremony, hosted by Marie Labory, journalist, presenter of Arte, and the actress Tahnee, to review on our website.

Particularly moved, Leslie Barbara Butch explains why: “qWhen we’re talking about role models and we’re a fat, dyke, 40-year-old woman who never had one when she was 15, it’s not easy. I try every day to fight for the rights of all people to exist. The right to be there, to be visible, to be loved. And I sincerely love you from the bottom of my heart.

Thank you, thank you, thank you, I am very touched, I have thousands of things to say but I cannot find the words, except thank you!

Leslie Barbara Butch, named LGBTI personality of the year

Out d’or 2021

Apart from the winner, were in the race for the public votes, the footballer Ouissem Belgacem, the singer Hoshi, the community doctor Thibaut Jedrzejewski, the artist Yanis, the tennis champion Pauline Déroulède and the writer Fatima Daas.

For Rachel Garrat-Valcarcel, co-president of the AJL, “the winning personalities of the Out d’Or, but also those simply named, all advance the visibility of LGBTI people in France. ”

In addition to Personality of the Year, Gold Outs were awarded in six other categories.

  • Artistic sparkle

The divide“, film by Catherine Corsini.

Reunion Island and Indian Ocean Daily, for its front page and its report on the March of Prides in Reunion Island.

We need to talk” by Arnaud Bonnin and Lyès Houhou broadcast on Canal +.

David Perrotin and Youen Tanguy, for their investigation “Poor monitoring of LGBT young people, “humiliated” teams: the management of the Refuge seriously questioned“, in Mediapart.

  • Foreign press – Xulhaz Mannan Prize

Grenades-RTBF (Belgium) for “Double feminicide in Gouvy: ‘He’s a man who killed two women because they wanted each other’ “.

  • Digital Revelation:

Lexie, transfeminist activist who runs the Instagram account Aggressively Trans to fight prejudices affecting transgender people and Jo Güstin, author of Tales and legends of Queeristan, love stories and resolutely political adventures.

Find all the names here.

In the “journalistic” categories, the nominees have contributed to impose these subjects in editorial staff, whether generalist or more confidential, national or local. For the AJL, “the nomination or even the victory can help the editors to tell themselves that these subjects, sometimes imposed by somewhat isolated journalists, are good subjects to be further explored” precise Rachel Garrat-Valcarcel.

Since the first edition of the Out d’Or in 2017, the visibility of LGBTI people has improved further notes the co-president of the AJL: Mediapart to World Passing by, France 3 Center Val-de-Loire, 89 Lyon Street Where Midi-Libre, “when we do our day before and our selection for the Out d’or, we really have no trouble finding good productions on LGBTI issues. It’s good news.”

However, all is not perfect. “Bad reflexes come back quickly: whether on subjects on transidentities where sensationalism is never far away and testimony always privileged, whether on assisted reproduction where we always forget to question lesbians, or that is all. simply on the gene that seems to persist when it comes to talking about the sexual orientation of personalities.“On the death of the hero of the resistance Daniel Cordier, who had nevertheless publicized and asserted his homosexuality, we have largely”forget“that part of his life.”Or used paraphrases from another age“insists Rachel Garrat-Valcarcel.

In the more “artistic” categories times are also changing. More and more characters who can truly be role models for LGBTI youth.

Forty years ago, the first cases of HIV / AIDS were in the media. A pandemic was breaking out. At the time already the need to have serious information was vital. The Out of Gold 2021 had therefore chosen to focus on the media treatment of the epidemic, as a mirror to that of Covid-19.

Dominique Costagliola, epidemiologist and Christophe Martet, editor-in-chief of Komitid, former president of Act Up receive an Out of honor for their commitment. “I just want to dedicate it to all the people I know who have died of AIDS, like Covid-19, starting with my mother. I am so proud of all of you, continue to be out in your media!“declares Christophe Martet moved on stage.” Be yourself “adds Dominique Costagliola.

We wanted to place this ceremony under the sign of these 40 years of struggle. These 40 long years of struggle remind us, actresses and actors of the media, of our role and responsibility. We must always show more vigilance but above all veracity when we deal with these medical fights.“, insists Ingrid Thervath, also co-president of the AJL.

Beyond the media ceremony of the Out d’Or, the action of the association of journalists lesbians, gays, bi, trans and intersex is part of everyday life. The AJL works in several ways to defend fair information that is respectful of LGBTI people and subjects. Ingrid Therwath explains her action. “First, we monitor and do not hesitate to contact journalists and editors when something, a title for example, seems problematic to us. This still happens often with trans people who are frequently megene. (call the person by their old gender, editor’s note).

However, the AJL does not position itself as a giver of lessons. “We are addressing our colleagues as equals and we really want to be in the pedagogy. This is why we are providing everyone with a Kit of good practices for the use of editorial staff. It exists since 2014, now has 13 chapters and is enriched each year “, ends Ingrid Therwath.

See you in 2022 for the next Out d’Or ceremony.

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