distance duel between Gabriel Attal and Jordan Bardella


Video length: 2 min

Anger of farmers: remote duel between Gabriel Attal and Jordan Bardella

Anger of farmers: remote duel between Gabriel Attal and Jordan Bardella – (franceinfo)

Article written by

franceinfo – J. Wittenberg, B. Gelot, A. Forveille, M. Laforcade, N. Pinard, N. Pressigout, M. Plouchard, B. Bervas

France Televisions

The government and the RN are arguing over the defense of farmers: Prime Minister Gabriel Attal went to meet 150 French people. For his part, Jordan Bardella was also on the ground, just five months before the European elections.

Gabriel Attal’s trip to Saint-Laurent-d’Agny (Rhône) was planned to cast a wide net on Saturday January 20. But the anger of the agricultural world and the question of income quickly emerged. “Farmers must be able to live from their work, since at one point, it is they who feed the country”, did he declare. Then, faced with a market gardener denouncing the increasingly draconian and sometimes inapplicable obligations, the Prime Minister conceded: “To say: we ban a certain product but the alternative will only arrive in a few years, without providing more solutions, I am aware that this is not satisfactory.”

Jordan Bardella accuses Emmanuel Macron and Europe

For his part, in Gironde, the president of the National Rally, Jordan Bardella, blamed Europe. “I think that there is a movement of anger that is rising, today, throughout Europe. And [les raisons à ] This movement of anger is the European Union and Macron’s Europe, which wants the death of our agriculture.”he said.

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